Jumat, 10 Juli 2009

I have Forgotten you...!

I've forgotten you,,that's it..!! i no longer remember you,
i've tired of you...I've forgotten how to say the letter of ur name that i love..
You've become a page of the past,
ur passion has become something ordinary,
and no matter how weak my intentions become..,
i'll still tell you.. i've forgotten you..!!!

enough..!! i've sacrificed so much..!!

the tears of my eyes are over..
i've forgotten you,and you must go away..!,,
so i can live...

i'll meet someone other than you and love again..
my heart has become mine,,
ur place is not my embraces, i'm being cruel just as you where cruel..

there will no be getting back together with you..!!!
i've left you shall remain..
and G'bye forever..............!!!!!!!!

4 komentar:

  1. waduh..
    ubat siapa ni jangan-jangan buat a' ya.. hiks..

  2. bukan utk a'...
    hehe,,ada2 aja a' ini...

  3. kirain a'..
    wah dah bebas dr beban nie crtnya ecy..

  4. iya,,inshaallah...
    nti ecy buat yg utk a' yaa... :)
